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Poverty Reduction

“Wars of nations are fought to change maps. But wars of poverty are fought to map change”
― Muhammad Ali  

Poverty affects us all…

During times of economic hardship and a political climate of austerity and budget cuts, the most vulnerable and marginalized residents of Ottawa continue to be the hardest hit. All residents of Ottawa have a right to live in dignity and health in a community that fosters participation and inclusion for all. For the Coalition of Community Health and Resource Centres, this means that everyone counts. It means that the Coalition works together with all our diverse partners to develop city-wide strategies to eradicate poverty and increase self-sufficiency. It means that we seek to influence policy to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. 

Please browse through some of the poverty reduction initiatives that the CHRC are working on.

 Cycle of Poverty.JPG

Printable graphic courtesy of Doug Minkler